Meet, Munch & Mastermind at Crain’s Small Business Week

“Great group of women
who truly care about expanding each other’s businesses!”
~ Casie Fields

Crain’s Chicago Business is hosting Small Business Week from September 30 through October 4, and NEW-The Network of Entrepreneurial Women is excited to participate and to be featured in the magazine!


We will host Meet, Munch & Mastermind, an afternoon of roundtable discussions, in Glen Ellyn on Tuesday, October 1 from 2 to 6 p.m.  

Participants will attend 30-minute sessions of discussions on Healthcare Reform, Social Media for Business and Creativity in Business.

After each session, you’ll have the opportunity to rotate on to a new table with a different group of fellow participants to enjoy another lively, enlightening discussion. Each session will provide opportunities for brainstorming personal concerns/questions related to the topic discussed.


Shannon’s Irish Pub, 428 N Main St, Glen Ellyn, where we had a delicious lunch at our initial Glen Ellyn outing, is hosting our group, and we’ll of course follow the business masterminding with a networking dinner.

“The great thing about Progressive Networking is
that you learn about other women’s awesome businesses,
and you even get feedback which helps your own business.”
~ Erica Thomas

Roundtables will include:

The entire half day event is free. Each participant pays for her own dinner from Shannon’s Irish Pub Special Event Menu

. RSVP at MeetUp or via Facebook. 

Learn more about previous Network of Entrepreneurial Women events.

“Fantastic group of women! I am looking forward to next time!”
~ Lina Bauer